W e l c ✷ m e

to my weird little magical corner of the internet

display your love for the stars

shop art prints

Pisces Sun

Pisces Moon

Sagittarius Rising

self-exploration at its finest

Whether it’s through astrology, numerology, or a tarot reading— these are all key ways to get in touch with your highest self!



My name is Chelsea! I’m 27 and currently living in Columbus, OH. I am a passionate + driven astrologer/artist/graphic designer/bartender/music lover, who also loves intuitively exploring tarot and numerology!

My love for astrology came into my life with divine timing— right when I needed it most! I am SO grateful and thankful to have discovered this tool. It’s totally transformed me + made me the person I am today!

I’ve always been a sensitive Pisces, trying to navigate the physical world while simultaneously swimming throughout my dream world.

My mission with this website is to help you discover your own inner-magic— what makes you, YOU! What lights your heart up! What you’re meant to do in this lifetime!

I want to help people who are feeling lost, unsure, or stuck feel more sure of themselves + their purpose! Just like water, stagnant energy needs to flow. I’m here to help you tap into your own magic + help you return to your natural current!


Popular Tarot Readings:

In Bloom - Self Love Reading

General Sunshine Reading

Current Energy Reading

Current Energy Reading

Full/New Moon Reading

Full/New Moon Reading

Everything can be broken down into numbers. Seashells, leaves, ferns, flowers, animals, me, you. Everything.

Everything in the Universe operates to its own numerical vibration. Numerology is the study of the energetic + spiritual meanings behind numbers and letters. Do you know your own numerology?

By studying just the name given to you at birth and your birthday, you can unlock so much of your own personal power + potential! Think of your birthday and the numeric code of your name as your key to unlock information about your own unique life path + destiny.