
“A tarot reading is like a gentle nod from the Universe, letting you know you’re on the right path.”

I assure you, you are right where you’re meant to be in this moment.


My experience reading cards—

After I fell in love with astrology, I dove into the depths of other spiritual concepts hard. My first deck was an Animal Messages oracle deck. Everyday, I pulled a card and received some animal wisdom + words, and it really helped me feel confident starting my day and stepping into my power! Reading for myself, both with my oracle + tarot decks, quickly became a part of my daily, spiritual practice. The more spine-chilling messages I received for myself, I knew I needed to see if I could open this door for others, too.

At first, I was really connected to oracle cards + more intimidated by tarot cards, until I allowed myself to simply surrender. My intuition needed to lead the way, and I needed to accept that + stop having a perfectionist mindset when it came to tarot. For the last year I’ve been giving myself, my friends, + my family tarot readings, studying + reading books on the art of tarot, and learning from some of my favorite readers online.

I’ve also created a FREE Tarot Study Guide that encapsulates all 78 cards— the 22 Major Arcana + the 56 Minor Arcana— and their meanings, if you’re interested in learning yourself!

Available Readings

Current EnergyGeneral reading for the current energy. 3 tarot cards. $5.55

Current Energy

General reading for the current energy. 3 tarot cards. $15.55

Full/New MoonFull/New Moon energy reading. 3 tarot cards, 3 oracle cards. $8.88

Full/New Moon

Full/New Moon energy reading. 3 tarot cards, 3 oracle cards. $11.11

The LoversA love + relationship-focused reading. 5 tarot cards, 5 oracle cards. $11.11

The Lovers

A love + relationship-focused reading. 5 tarot cards, 5 oracle cards. $20.20

Past, Present, FuturePast, present, + future reading. 3 tarot cards. $5.55

Past, Present, Future

Past, present, + future reading. 3 tarot cards. $20.20

In Bloom - Self LoveA reading for your highest self. 5 tarot cards, 5 oracle cards. $11.11

In Bloom - Self Love

A reading for your highest self. 5 tarot cards, 5 oracle cards. $20.20

Angel NumbersFind out why you’ve been seeing certain angel numbers. 3 tarot cards, 3 oracle cards. $7.77

Angel Numbers

Find out why you’ve been seeing certain angel numbers. 3 tarot cards, 3 oracle cards. $12.34

Month AheadMonth ahead reading. 4 tarot cards, 4 oracle cards. $10.10

Month Ahead

Month ahead reading. 4 tarot cards, 4 oracle cards. $15.55

Burning Question1 burning question reading. 2 tarot cards. $5.55

Burning Question

1 burning question reading. 2 tarot cards. $11.11

Inner-Child HealingA reading to help you navigate childhood pain. 3 tarot cards, 3 oracle cards. $7.77

Inner-Child Healing

A reading to help you navigate childhood pain. 3 tarot cards, 3 oracle cards. $15.55

Week AheadWeek ahead reading. 3 tarot cards, 1 oracle card. $5.55

Week Ahead

Week ahead reading. 3 tarot cards, 1 oracle card. $11.11

Dream CareerA career-focused reading. 5 tarot cards, 1 oracle card. $7.77

Dream Career

A career-focused reading. 5 tarot cards, 1 oracle card. $15.55

General SunshineA general happiness-focused reading. 5 oracle cards. $5.55

General Sunshine

A general happiness-focused reading. 5 oracle cards. $15.55


I use tarot as a non-deterministic prediction system.

Tarot + oracle readings are just guided, intuitive messages designed to help us navigate situations in life. I use tarot as an interpretive system. These readings are simply channeled, energetic messages that are coming through to me, in order to serve you.

Every card is intuitively felt out + interpreted to make the entire story and overall message flow. The mission for my tarot + oracle readings is to help you gain insight, and offer a new perspective.

Whether you have experience with tarot or you’re a beginner, there is always a message waiting for you in the cards.

