
Chelsea Johnson (Pisces Stellium, @piscesstellium, piscesstellium.com) offers mystical information + insightful readings that are meant for entertainment purposes and personal reference only. My services are not intended to be used as a substitute for professional care by any means. Readings done by Pisces Stellium are in no way meant to replace professional legal, medical, business opinions or advice.

Pisces Stellium does not offer any readings of any kind to anyone under 18 years of age. By reading this, you confirm that you are 18 years of age or above, and are subject to reading the disclaimer, terms + conditions, and privacy policy found in the footer of this site upon booking a reading.

This site provides guidance on a multitude of topics, however please keep in mind that the information given is not intended in any way to provide diagnosis or treatment to any physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual conditions. Please always consult your own physician, or a medical professional if possible.

Pisces Stellium uses tarot as a non-deterministic prediction system. This means that nothing I say, or any messages that a reading provides, have a 100% chance of coming true. All readings are subject to interpretation and strictly for entertainment purposes only.

I am in no way responsible and will not assume legal liability for any consequences, damages, or losses, based on, or subsequent to, my astrology, tarot, or numerology readings. Take the signals and signs you receive from your reading(s) and use your best judgment and common sense to intertwine the lessons provided into your life.

Pisces Stellium readings and content are meant to be enjoyed, and used as empowering, supportive, and thought-provoking materials in order to access and explore one's inner-knowing, wisdom, + personal energies.

✷ This Disclaimer was reviewed and made effective on June 21st, 2020. It and will be updated as needed.