A passionate mystic + designer based in Columbus, Ohio.


Chelsea [chel-see] noun

38.0% Water ✷ 29.5% Fire ✷ 17.7% Earth ✷ 14.8% Air ✷

Life Path Number 11/2 ✷ Destiny Number 6 ✷ Soul Number 3 ✷ Personality Number 3 ✷ Maturity Number 8

Sun in Pisces— Daydreams often, gets lost in her own reality, dreams of making the world a happier place

Moon in Pisces— A deeply sensitive soul, transmutes surrounding negative energies, feels compassion for everyone

Sagittarius Ascendant— Has a “big picture” outlook on life, intensely passionate about learning new things + teaching others

Mercury in Aquarius— A quick-thinker that makes lightning-fast connections between concepts, celebrates eccentricity + weirdness

Venus in Aries— A heart on fire, loves with intensity, a competitive + action-oriented spirit, probably is bored right now

Mars in Pisces— Has overcome great emotional pain, fights her way through life, competitive but will feel bad if she wins anything

Jupiter in Capricorn— A go go go mindset, never able to settle, always dreaming up new projects + ideas of success

Saturn in Pisces— Serious about spirituality, drowning in emotions, building a structure out of dreams

Uranus in Aquarius— Clings to her odd thought processes, believes in aliens, might be an alien

Neptune in Capricorn— Forever imagining the “perfect” world, knows that her dreams are realistic, tends to be cynical in humor

Pluto in Sagittarius— A “glass half full” mentality, feels a deep urge to explore, has a strong faith + appreciation for humanity

fun facts about me:

✷ I love designing in my free time using Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, + Photoshop.

✷ My favorite animal is a dolphin!!! Seeing them in person is a magical feeling to me.

✷ I went to college at Ohio University for Commercial Photography + Publication Design, w/ a specialization in Geology. The Universe didn’t believe graduating was for me, however, so it dropped an astrology book into my lap instead!

✷ I’ve lived in many places in this lifetime already: Guam, North Dakota, South Carolina, + Ohio. I’d love to live anywhere with a beach again! (Just letting you know, Universe!)

✷ I share a birthday with Kurt Cobain, Rihanna, + Ansel Adams (and I love that so much).

✷ I have an Orion’s Belt tattoo + 3 Pisces-related tattoos, but of course I dream of more!

✷ I love any kind of progressive post-hardcore/math rock/instrumental/alternative music. Music has always been my #1 love in life (even before astrology)— I could never live without it!

✷ I rep being a water sign HARD.

✷ I’m very silly! I love to make people laugh. Once you get to know me, you may be frightened at my weird songs and/or dance moves.


“The essence of your life is determined by what you choose to create with each moment”

— Chelsea Johnson, Pisces Stellium