
“Numbers have hidden meanings— they are divine messages from the Universe”

Numerology has the power to explain our very own life paths + destinies.

Do you ever feel a strong connection to certain numbers?

Have you ever noticed a repeating pattern with numbers on license plates, advertisements, + street signs? How about in telephone numbers, bank account numbers, house numbers, or your own social security number? Maybe you’ve claimed that you have a “lucky number” or a “favorite number.” The Universe has a unique way of communicating with us, and might I add, that nothing in this Universe happens coincidentally.

When you were born, when a company is born, when a project comes to life, etc. there is a numerical code tied to it. The year, month, day, + time all come together to create a certain energetic vibration. All letters in the alphabet are correlated to a number 1-9, therefore all words, names, people, places, things, etc. can be studied + analyzed with numerology.

So, what is numerology?

Numerology is the study of the energetic vibrations + meanings behind letters + numbers. With numerology, you can decode the energy of literally anything that exists that has a name or number associated with it. If you can do simple addition (and sometimes subtraction), you can study numerology!

Numerology is a system that has been used by humans to analyze, predict, and prevent outcomes in their lives for thousands of years! It takes your true core essence— down to your own unique DNA coding— and translates that into something tangible, something you can work towards understanding and working with.

There are many “numbers” you can focus on calculating for yourself, but I like to stick with calculating these numbers in my Numeroscopes:

✷ Life Path Number - your natural gifts + talents, the path you will walk in life

✷ Destiny Number - your calling, your mission, your purpose in life

✷ Soul Number - what you long for, what lights your heart up, your inner-motivation

✷ Personality Number - your outer look, how others view you, your preferences

✷ Maturity Number - the true “you,” usually experienced after age 35

✷ Birthday Number - a lesson you need to learn in this lifetime, the special talents you possess

✷ Personal Year Number - the themes in your life you should focus your energy on during a particular year

✷ Personal Month Number - the themes in your life you should focus your energy on during a particular month


The History of Numerology

You may remember the father of mathematics, Pythagoras, from geometry class in school when you were young. Pythagoras not only invented the Pythagorean Theorem, but he also was a dedicated astrologer, numerologist, musician, + a highly spiritual being. Many people want to separate science from spirituality, but in reality, everything is divinely connected.

Thousands of years ago, Pythagoras assigned every letter in the alphabet to a number. He believed that everything was connected, and everything could be energetically analyzed. He believed that life is one big circle— that we go through numerous steps in evolution, numerous cycles (each one 9 years long) and these could be represented by the numbers 1-9.

How it works:

The root numbers in numerology are numbers 1-9. There are what is called “Master Numbers,” and these consist of 11, 22, and 33. There are also what’s called “Karmic Numbers,” such as 10, 13, 14, 16, + 19, and these are representative of lessons that we still need learn in this lifetime.

By analyzing the letters in a name, and translating the letters to numbers, you’re able to add all elements together, and then reduce the sum to a number 1-9.

If you’re left with 11, 22, or 33 at any point, you do NOT reduce to 2, 4, or 6. These are “Master Numbers” and hold great significance. Having a master number in your personal numeroscope means that you have a little bit more required of you in this lifetime— your calling is higher. A numeroscope is a numerology profile, like a horoscope for your own numerology.

I’m not going to lie, there is a lot to learn about numerology, but it’s very possible to teach yourself this information. It’ll be a tool that you use for life, and it will help you along your path every step of the way if you allow it to.

Not a math person? As the Math Club Vice President in high school (lmao), and the recipient of many math awards in school— I got you! I am so passionate about numerology and truly have always found myself interested in numbers. Some don’t have a mathematical mind, and that’s okay! That’s why I’m here!

Popular Services


$55.55 ✷ Full Numeroscope

An in-depth numeroscope including the calculation + interpretation of your full numerology profile— your Life Path Number, Destiny Number, Soul Number, Personality Number, and Maturity Number. Includes a custom design displaying your name, birthday, + a list of your personal numbers— designed with the PANTONE® color associated with your birthday.

✷ Delivered in digital format to your Inbox

1 10-15 page PDF


$33.33 ✷ Birth Name Numbers

An in-depth numeroscope including the calculation + interpretation of your birth name numbers— your Destiny Number, Soul Number, and Personality Number. Includes a custom design displaying your name, birthday, + a list of your birth name numbers— designed with the PANTONE® color associated with your birthday.

✷ Delivered in digital format to your Inbox

1 5-10 page PDF


$22.22 ✷ Life Path Number

An in-depth numeroscope including the calculation + interpretation of your Life Path Number— the path you’re meant to walk in this lifetime. Includes a custom design displaying your name, birthday, + your Life Path Number and it’s meaning— designed with the PANTONE® color associated with your birthday.

✷ Delivered in digital format to your Inbox

1 3-5 page PDF

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Book an Angel Numbers tarot reading to find out why!


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